Multimedia Information Systems





Teaching Assistants

 Jesse H.C. Chen (陳宏鎮) WenWen Hsieh (謝文雯)

Lecture Time

 M7M8M9 (14:30~17:10)

Office Hour


Course Contents:

1. Introduction
- Databases, Information Retrieval, Digital Libraries, WWW Search Engines
- Relational Databases
- Multimedia Information Systems
2. Music IR - Temporal Information
- Melody, Rhythm, Chord, Contour
- Monophonic and Polyphonic
- Melodic Similarity
3. Performance Evaluation

4.Suffix Tree

5.The Effectiveness Study of Various Music Information Retrieval Approaches(paper)
6. Image Databases - Visual Information
- Color, Texture, Shape, Spatial Relationships

- color-pyramid.ppt

-Visual Querying by Color Perceptive Regions.pdf

-Spatial-match Iconic Image Retrieval with Ranking in Multimedia Database(paper)

-tree structure

-Efficient Near Neighbor Searching Using Multi-Indexes.pdf
7. Video Databases - Visual/Temporal Information
- Motions
- Cinematic Structure
* Shot, Scene, Episode
- Other Structures
* News
- Multi-Models
* Video, Audio and Text
8. Text Databases

Invited Talk:

1.Content-based Retrieval and Classification of MP3 Music Objects (11/4)

2. Dr. J.S. Roger Jang (11/11)

Homework: HW1 HW2 HW3 HW4

Course Work:



- Paper Collections on Multimedia Databases, A.L.P. Chen and Students,
- Papers from major journals and conference proceedings.
- Visual Information Retrieval, A. Del Bimbo, Morgan Kaufmann, 1999.
- Principles of Multimedia Database Systems, V.S. Subrahmanian, Morgan
kaufmann, 1998.
- Searching Multimedia Databases by Content, C. Faloutsos, Kluwer Academic,